Sándor Ferencz

"Be liberal in what you accept from others, and conservative in what you do."

1956: Born in Kiskunhalas.
1960- Living in Ordas --> Google Map
1962-66: Primary school in Ordas --> Ordas - Wikipedia
1966-70: Primary school in Géderlak--> Google-Map
1974: High-school graduation in Kalocsa --> Szt. István Gimnazium.
1974-5: Military service.
1975- Living in Budapest
Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Budapest Polytechnic.
1979-84: Faculty of Humanities - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Member of the Eötvös Kollégium.
1984: M.A in Philosophy and History.
1984: Joined the Institute for Philosophical Research, under the "PHD-Candidate" scheme of the  Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
1986-87: Studied philosophy in Fribourg University (Schweiz) under the supervision of Prof. G.  Küng.
1987-93: Young research fellow.
1993-2011: Research fellow.
2011-: Joined the Váci Mihály Kollégium

My former researches concern the history of medieval philosophy in general, focusing on early scholasticism and its natural theology and semantics. I am also interested in issues related to information society and communication technology. (PC & Networking technology and practice.)
I lectured medieval philosophy to philosophy undergraduates at the University of Szeged, and pursued PhD studies in analitic philosophy at Eötvös Loránd University under the supervision of Prof. János Kelemen.
As the head of informatics at the Institute for Philosophical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, I also worked as system administrator and webmaster of its internet domain.

: Photography, Movie, Fishing, Bike, D(o)I(t)Y(ourself).


  • Adatok, rövid életrajz, publikációk (pdf, in Hungarian)
  • ______________________________

    , (Hungarian, German, English)
    Web: http://web.t-online.hu/sferencz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandor.ferencz

    Works online:



    Last updated: 26/10/2024